Frequently asked questions

Other Information

How do I borrow toys?

Visit one of our branches and choose up to six toys.

Bring the toy toys to the borrowing desk, tell the coordinator your name and the toys numbers you would like to borrow.

Before leaving the library check that your toys are complete and undamaged.

The loan period for your toys is three weeks — you can extend this loan by an additional three weeks by logging into your account and renewing your toys.

What happens if I lose a piece?

We understand that it can be difficult to keep track of things from time to time — just alert our coordinator and we will give you extra time to find the piece/pieces. If the pieces still do not turn up we charge $3 per missing piece.

What happens if I break a toy?

We are very understanding and allow for everyday wear and tear when it comes to borrowing our toys. Broken toys will be managed on a case by case basis depending on the age of the toy and its durability.

Do I have to be a member to hire toys for a party?

Yes, party hire is a benefit of our toy library membership.

How long can I borrow a toy for?

The loan period is three weeks — you can login and renew once in that time for a period of three weeks.

What if the toy was already missing a piece when I borrowed it?

Toy Libraries are very busy places so we need you to check your toys are complete and functional before borrowing. From time to time toys will get borrowed with pieces already missing — please alert your coordinator or volunteer upon returning the toy ASAP.

What if my toys are overdue?

A non-refundable amount of $3 per week is applied to each overdue toy.

What will volunteering involve?

Anyone can volunteer, we are always looking for people with free time to help out. You will be returning toys for customers, cleaning toys, counting toys and placing them back on the racks.

If you would like to get a $30 refund on your one year membership you can get that at the completion of a two hour volunteer shift in our library. You will be helping the coordinator, count, clean and return toys to the racks. You are welcome to have your children with you while you do this.

How do you source toys?

We get our toys from a number of avenues — some are donated from the community while others are purchased using grant money. You can donate toys to us in our opening hours. We accept good quality complete toys and sets. We do not accept plush toys and toys that have missing pieces.